All you need to know about the 7 wonders of your immune system
It’s the first line of defence. It’s a microscopic army. It’s a thing of beauty. But what exactly is our immune system? However you choose to look at it, the immune system is one of nature’s marvels. And by understanding how it works, you can take better care of it – so it can take better care of you.
We’re here to help. At Tonic, we believe we all have innate natural power inside of us. All we have to do is harness it. Not by relying on drugs or hoping for miracles. But by educating ourselves about immune health and following the best scientific advice.

Breaking down the mystery of the Immune System, there are 7 key parts which make up an interconnected defense system in your body to help you stay healthy and thrive. Each part as integral as each other, the immune system is some of the most complex biological engineering known to man.
The most well researched and scientifically backed vitamins for Immune Health Vitamin C, D and Zinc. It's indisputable that they are essential for immune health yet we still often don't get enough.

Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient, supporting the function of the immune system in numerous ways. It also has an antioxidant effect, helping to protect cells from oxidative stress. Now, here’s the tricky part: our bodies don’t produce vitamin C, and they don’t store it for long. That’s what makes it so critical to get a regular supply, whether from fruit and veg or vitamin supplements. This is especially true when you’re ill, because sickness actually increases the body’s demand for vitamin C.

Sunlight is our primary source of vitamin D. That’s handy when the weather’s nice, but outside of spring and summer it’s hard to get even the minimum recommended amount of vitamin D. Recent research has also shown people of colour to be particularly at risk of a vitamin deficiency, as darker skin takes longer to produce vitamin D from sunlight. As a result, supplementation is recommended by many experts and public health authorities, including Public Health England. Vitamin D has a host of benefits that include immune support as well as the maintenance of normal bones, teeth and muscle function.

Zinc has a whopping 18 recognised health benefits, covering everything from DNA synthesis to macronutrient metabolism and cognitive function. Needless to say, it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough of it. Lack of zinc in the diet is a worldwide problem that can lead to impaired immune function. Deficiency affects all aspects of the immune system and weakens our defences. According to recent research, short-term use of high-dose zinc supplements can help your immune defences in times of need, and helps tissues return to normal.
Say a big thank you to your immune system – it’s working a lot harder than you realise. In fact, it’s protecting you from around 60,000 germs every single day.
Your immune system is also under constant attack from a range of factors that can compromise its effectiveness. Learn to recognise them, and you can do your bit to keep your immune system at its best.
Stress is Public Enemy Number 1 for immune health. It’s a leading cause of imbalance in the system, which can weaken your defences.
Here’s one for the pub quiz: over 70% of immune cells are found in your gut. But don’t eat too much pub food. Plants, fibre, healthy fats, pre- and probiotics are the way forward.
Vitamin D is widely recognised as one of the most important immune-supporting nutrients. Unfortunately, our main source is the sun, which means around ⅓ of the UK is deficient in the winter months.
Consistent sleep is also a must. It’s been shown that just one bad night’s sleep can cause the number of your immune system’s ‘natural killer’ cells to fall by as much as 70%.
It’s a simple equation: more exercise equals fewer sick days. Studies show that people who exercise for 30-45 minutes a day experience a 40-50% reduction in the number of days they get ill.