10 Reasons Why Hydration is Important

10 Reasons Why Hydration is Important

Most people know that hydration is important. Unfortunately, most people also think about hydration incorrectly. It’s not their fault. From a young age, we’re taught that more water is always better. People think that if we don’t drink eight 8 glasses of water per day, we’ll shrivel up like a prune in the Sahara Desert. But is there actually any science behind this? 

Water isn’t the only pillar of hydration. There’s also sodium. When people dial in their electrolytes, they feel better almost immediately: better energy, mental function, sleep, athletic performance, and more. Our Energy & Hydration drink has 1000mg of electrolytes vs. other brands on the market that have 300mg. First, let’s cover the basics.

The Right Way to View Hydration

Think of hydration as a process that requires two inputs: water and electrolytes. The truth is, healthy people rarely become dehydrated. Why? Most people get enough water already. When our bodies need more water, special receptors tell a region in our brain — the hypothalamus — that our blood volume is low. Then we get thirsty and drink something.

We don’t have such an elegant system for electrolyte intake. Yes, we do crave salty things — and this helps us consume enough sodium to get by — but as for what’s optimal, our sodium craving isn’t quite as powerful or finely tuned as thirst. And electrolytes (sodium in particular) are essential for hydration. 

If you drink too much water, you excrete more fluids through urine.

If you don’t drink enough water, you become thirsty.

If you consume too many electrolytes, you excrete more electrolytes through urine.

If you consume too few electrolytes, your body pulls these minerals from bone.

10 Benefits of Staying Hydrated

When you consume sufficient water and electrolytes like our Energy & Hydration drink, your bodily fluids will be nicely balanced. Here are 10 ways your body will thank you.

#1: Better energy

Low energy is a red flag for sodium deficiency. We see it all the time, especially in athletes (who lose extra sodium through sweat) and those who eat a low-carb diet or practice fasting (who lose extra sodium through urine).

#2: Improved brain function

Brain fog is another common symptom of sodium deficiency. Sodium is critical for brain function. Along with potassium, it conducts electricity between brain cells so you can read these words. Your brain also depends on proper fluid balance to stay suspended in cerebrospinal fluid. 

#3: Fewer muscle cramps

Most people believe that dehydration causes muscle cramps, but the science says otherwise. Even losing 5% of one’s body weight in water (severe dehydration) doesn’t seem to increase cramp frequency. A more likely cause is electrolyte deficiency.

In the 1920s, salt supplementation reduced cramping in industrial workers, and more recently, football players with saltier sweat cramped more frequently than their teammates. Get enough sodium for proper fluid balance and you’ll cramp less. Simple as that.

#4: Fewer headaches

A headache can have many causes. Two of the potential causes are dehydration and electrolyte deficiency — so if you aren’t hydrating with water and electrolytes, headaches may follow.

#5: Better performance

When you sweat, you lose both water and sodium. Both need to be replaced to keep your body humming along. Visit the finish line of any marathon and you’ll see the consequences of replacing only H2O. A large percentage of endurance athletes need medical care, often in the form of intravenous saline. The more you sweat, the more sodium you’ll need. In warm climates, athletes can lose up to 7 grams of sodium per day!

#6: Easier fasting and keto

Both keto and fasting keep the hormone insulin low. Low insulin then signals your kidneys to excrete more fluids and electrolytes through urine. The resulting deficiencies cause a constellation of symptoms — headaches, low energy, brain fog, cramps — called keto flu. Bumping up electrolytes (especially sodium) generally fixes it.

#7: Healthy blood pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a well-documented heart disease risk factor. Electrolytes are important for mitigating this risk. 

#8: Smoother digestion

Staying hydrated is essential at all stages of digestion. Water is the lubricant that keeps things moving along down there. Magnesium can also help with constipation. The form most studied for its laxative effect is magnesium oxide.

#9: Skin health

Skin health depends on hydration status. If you’re not hydrating properly, you may end up with dry skin or cracked lips. But dry skin doesn’t prove you’re dehydrated. This condition, like most, is multifactorial. Zinc deficiency, low ambient humidity, and many other factors affect skin health.

#10: Improved sleep

The main electrolyte studied for sleep is magnesium. Supplementing with magnesium has not only been shown to reduce insomnia but also to increase deep sleep in elderly people. Sodium affects sleep too. It’s been shown, for instance, that a sodium-restricted diet decreases deep sleep, REM sleep, and wakefulness overnight. Why? Probably because salt restriction stimulates the release of adrenaline, a stimulating chemical that helps you retain sodium.

How To Stay Hydrated

Your body is good at regulating water intake: Simply drink to thirst. It’s not as adept, however, at nudging you to consume electrolytes. That’s why it’s important to consciously ensure that you’re consuming enough. 

Our Energy & Hydration drink combines 600mg of sodium hydrogen carbonate with 500mg of Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium chloride and calcium to create a powerful hydration combination for optimal health without the artificial sweetener or sugar. 

If you sweat often, practice fasting, eat a low-carb, paleo diet, or whole foods diet, or any combination of the above, then pay special attention to your sodium intake. Measure what you’re getting, then adjust based on how you feel — your energy, cognitive function, muscle cramps, headaches, and sleep quality all stand to benefit from avoiding sodium deficiency.

For a lot of folks, sodium is the missing link to optimal hydration. You’ll feel the difference when you get it right.


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